

中新网1月3日电 综合报道,根据美国财政部2日发布的报告,该国国债总额突破了34万亿美元,创下了历史新高。美国智库学者指出,这一里程碑数字向美国的立法者和选民敲响了警钟。每年增加数万亿美元的债务对美国来说,应该是一个“闪烁的红色警示信号”。




“资本集团”(Capital Group)表示,美国的债务几乎每天增加200亿美元。美国媒体称,如果将现在这些庞大的债务分摊到美国民众身上,相当于每个人负债超过了10万美元。


The Chairman of the "Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget", Maya MacGuineas, also pointed out that this new milestone of U.S. debt should serve as a warning to lawmakers and voters. She stated that this level of debt is dangerous for the U.S. economy and national security, but the U.S. "cannot stop borrowing."

The Senior Policy Director of the "Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget," Mark Goldwein, concurred, stating that reaching $34 trillion in U.S. debt once again reminds us how unsustainable our fiscal situation is.

Michael Peterson also expressed a similar viewpoint, believing that the new year will see the U.S. national debt continue on a destructive and unsustainable path.

The "Council on Foreign Relations" views the current U.S. national debt as nearly the same size as the entire U.S. economy, with the debt expected to double in the next thirty years.

The "Bipartisan Policy Center" states that if the debt continues to rise, the U.S. may face serious economic consequences, such as rising interest rates, economic recession, or escalating inflation. The Economic Policy Director of this center, Shai Akabas, pointed out, "Investors and rating agencies are increasingly concerned that our current trajectory is unsustainable – no one knows when this situation will become even more dire."

Some economists also suggest that this could expose the U.S. to many dangers, including budget crises, rising interest rates, economic instability, and diminished global standing. Reducing the debt will require "difficult" political decisions by the U.S. Congress, either restraining spending, raising taxes, or a combination of both.


当地时间2023年6月19日,美国总统拜登抵达位于加利福尼亚州旧金山湾区的莫菲特联邦机场。据美国媒体报道,本次加州之行拜登将宣布其应对气候变化的计划,并出席多场竞选筹款活动。<a target='_blank' href='/'>中新社</a>记者 刘关关 摄

2023年6月19日,美国总统拜登抵达位于加利福尼亚州旧金山湾区的莫菲特联邦机场。据美国媒体报道,本次加州之行拜登将宣布其应对气候变化的计划,并出席多场竞选筹款活动。中新社记者 张华



